CSC104 Slog

   My goal is to become a professional programmer and games designer. It's important to learn thinking in computer ways in order to achieve my goals. That is why I choose CSC104(computing thinking). CSC104 bring me many surprises. Before I join CSC104,  I think this course focusing mostly in Theoretical knowledge, but it doesn't only teach me the theory of computer. CSC104 teaches me to actually program something, like rotate or scale an image.  I think the most interesting thing in this course is to use knowledge we learn to create some unique images, sentences, and tools. for example, I can scale a image-cat to half of its original size. I think CSC104 is very easy and straightforward. The only thing that I find difficult is to put many functions together into one new function.  I usually study with a group of my classmates for the quizzes. I think that having a study group is very good for your learning in CSC104. You can ask your friends anytime when you are confuse about something. I really like computer games and cell phone games. I want to become a game designer.


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